Scrape weekly NFL leaders stats from ESPN

scrape_weekly_leaders(season = 2019, week = 1, stats = "passing")



character or numeric - greater than 2002


character or numeric - 1 to 17 for regular season


character - either receiving, passing, or rushing




scrape_weekly_leaders(season = 2002, stats = "passing", week = 1)
#> Scraping passing stats for week 1 from 2002 season!
#> # A tibble: 30 × 13
#>    season  week  rank name  team  result pass_…¹ pass_…² pass_…³ pass_td pass_…⁴
#>     <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1   2002     1     1 Kerr… NYG   L 16-…      28      45     342       0       3
#>  2   2002     1     2 Shan… WSH   W 31-…      28      40     327       3       1
#>  3   2002     1     3 Kell… CLE   L 40-…      27      39     326       3       0
#>  4   2002     1     4 Kurt… LAR   L 23-…      32      41     315       0       1
#>  5   2002     1     5 Jim … CHI   W 27-…      20      33     297       2       1
#>  6   2002     1     6 Bret… GB    W 37-…      25      36     284       2       0
#>  7   2002     1     7 Brad… TB    L 26-…      28      52     278       2       0
#>  8   2002     1     8 Tren… KC    W 40-…      20      29     276       1       1
#>  9   2002     1     9 Drew… BUF   L 37-…      26      39     271       1       2
#> 10   2002     1    10 Stev… TEN   W 27-…      24      34     269       2       1
#> # … with 20 more rows, 2 more variables: sack <dbl>, pass_fumbles <dbl>, and
#> #   abbreviated variable names ¹​pass_comp, ²​pass_att, ³​pass_yds, ⁴​pass_int