Scrape ESPN FPI ratings for a specific season from ESPN's site

scrape_fpi(season = 2020, stat = "FPI")



Either numeric or character


One of 'FPI', 'EFF' or 'PROJ'


Returns a tibble


# Get team offensive and defensive efficiency from 2020 season
scrape_fpi(2020, stat = "EFF")
#> Scraping EFF for 2020!
#> # A tibble: 32 × 11
#>    season team     w_l   eff_ove rnk_ove eff_off rnk_off eff_def rnk_def eff_spe
#>     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>   <dbl>   <int>   <dbl>   <int>   <dbl>   <int>   <dbl>
#>  1   2020 Green B… 14-4…    73.3       1    86.1       1    45.1      13    44.2
#>  2   2020 Buffalo… 15-4…    69.6       2    73.9       5    47.8      10    68.7
#>  3   2020 Tampa B… 14-5…    68.6       3    75.4       4    51.8       6    51.6
#>  4   2020 Kansas … 16-2…    67.5       4    82.3       2    40.2      20    48.9
#>  5   2020 Baltimo… 12-6…    67.1       5    64.8      12    54.2       5    67.1
#>  6   2020 New Orl… 13-5…    64.2       6    70.3       7    51.8       7    48  
#>  7   2020 Pittsbu… 12-5…    61.3       7    54.7      19    66.8       2    39.7
#>  8   2020 Seattle… 12-5…    61         8    63.5      14    49         9    63.8
#>  9   2020 Indiana… 11-6…    60.5       9    66.5      10    44.8      14    58.4
#> 10   2020 Los Ang… 11-7…    58.1      10    50.9      22    68.4       1    32.7
#> # … with 22 more rows, and 1 more variable: rnk_spe <int>