Get some of Lee Sharpe's datasets from GitHub

get_sharpe_data(dataset = "games")



Character only, one of "airports", "closing_lines", "draft_picks", "draft_values", "games", "logos", "pff_pfr_map_v1", "positions", "rosters", "sc_lines", "standings", "teamcolors", "teams", "trades", "win_totals"




# Get NFL games and their outcomes
get_sharpe_data(dataset = "games")
#> Rows: 6409 Columns: 45
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr  (19): game_id, game_type, weekday, away_team, home_team, location, nfl_...
#> dbl  (24): season, week, away_score, home_score, result, total, overtime, ol...
#> date  (1): gameday
#> time  (1): gametime
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> # A tibble: 6,409 × 45
#>    game_id       season game_…¹  week gameday    weekday gamet…² away_…³ away_…⁴
#>    <chr>          <dbl> <chr>   <dbl> <date>     <chr>   <time>  <chr>     <dbl>
#>  1 1999_01_MIN_…   1999 REG         1 1999-09-12 Sunday     NA   MIN          17
#>  2 1999_01_KC_C…   1999 REG         1 1999-09-12 Sunday     NA   KC           17
#>  3 1999_01_PIT_…   1999 REG         1 1999-09-12 Sunday     NA   PIT          43
#>  4 1999_01_OAK_…   1999 REG         1 1999-09-12 Sunday     NA   OAK          24
#>  5 1999_01_BUF_…   1999 REG         1 1999-09-12 Sunday     NA   BUF          14
#>  6 1999_01_SF_J…   1999 REG         1 1999-09-12 Sunday     NA   SF            3
#>  7 1999_01_CAR_…   1999 REG         1 1999-09-12 Sunday     NA   CAR          10
#>  8 1999_01_NE_N…   1999 REG         1 1999-09-12 Sunday     NA   NE           30
#>  9 1999_01_ARI_…   1999 REG         1 1999-09-12 Sunday     NA   ARI          25
#> 10 1999_01_DET_…   1999 REG         1 1999-09-12 Sunday     NA   DET          28
#> # … with 6,399 more rows, 36 more variables: home_team <chr>, home_score <dbl>,
#> #   location <chr>, result <dbl>, total <dbl>, overtime <dbl>,
#> #   old_game_id <dbl>, gsis <dbl>, nfl_detail_id <chr>, pfr <chr>, pff <dbl>,
#> #   espn <dbl>, away_rest <dbl>, home_rest <dbl>, away_moneyline <dbl>,
#> #   home_moneyline <dbl>, spread_line <dbl>, away_spread_odds <dbl>,
#> #   home_spread_odds <dbl>, total_line <dbl>, under_odds <dbl>,
#> #   over_odds <dbl>, div_game <dbl>, roof <chr>, surface <chr>, temp <dbl>, …

# Get team abbreviations/names/etc by year
get_sharpe_data(dataset = "teams")
#> Rows: 672 Columns: 18
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (14): team, nfl, nfl_team_id, espn, pfr, pfflabel, fo, full, location, s...
#> dbl  (4): season, pff, sbr, sbr_wins
#>  Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#>  Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> # A tibble: 672 × 18
#>    season team  nfl   nfl_team_id espn  pfr     pff pfflabel fo    full  locat…¹
#>     <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>       <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr>    <chr> <chr> <chr>  
#>  1   2002 ARI   ARI   3800        ARI   CRD      NA NA       ARI   Ariz… Arizona
#>  2   2002 ATL   ATL   0200        ATL   ATL      NA NA       ATL   Atla… Atlanta
#>  3   2002 BAL   BAL   0325        BAL   RAV      NA NA       BAL   Balt… Baltim…
#>  4   2002 BUF   BUF   0610        BUF   BUF      NA NA       BUF   Buff… Buffalo
#>  5   2002 CAR   CAR   0750        CAR   CAR      NA NA       CAR   Caro… Caroli…
#>  6   2002 CHI   CHI   0810        CHI   CHI      NA NA       CHI   Chic… Chicago
#>  7   2002 CIN   CIN   0920        CIN   CIN      NA NA       CIN   Cinc… Cincin…
#>  8   2002 CLE   CLE   1050        CLE   CLE      NA NA       CLE   Clev… Clevel…
#>  9   2002 DAL   DAL   1200        DAL   DAL      NA NA       DAL   Dall… Dallas 
#> 10   2002 DEN   DEN   1400        DEN   DEN      NA NA       DEN   Denv… Denver 
#> # … with 662 more rows, 7 more variables: short_location <chr>, nickname <chr>,
#> #   hyphenated <chr>, sbr <dbl>, sbr_wins <dbl>, sbr_name <chr>,
#> #   draft_kings <chr>, and abbreviated variable name ¹​location