Return all NFL teams with their name, abbreviation,





#> Getting NFL teams!
#> # A tibble: 32 × 8
#>    team_id team_name team_nickname team_abb team_full_name team_…¹ team_…² logo 
#>    <chr>   <chr>     <chr>         <chr>    <chr>          <chr>   <chr>   <chr>
#>  1 22      Cardinals Cardinals     ARI      Arizona Cardi… #A40227 #000000 http…
#>  2 1       Falcons   Falcons       ATL      Atlanta Falco… #000000 #000000 http…
#>  3 33      Ravens    Ravens        BAL      Baltimore Rav… #2B025B #9e7c0c http…
#>  4 2       Bills     Bills         BUF      Buffalo Bills  #04407F #c60c30 http…
#>  5 29      Panthers  Panthers      CAR      Carolina Pant… #2177B0 #bfc0bf http…
#>  6 3       Bears     Bears         CHI      Chicago Bears  #152644 #0b162a http…
#>  7 4       Bengals   Bengals       CIN      Cincinnati Be… #FF2700 #000000 http…
#>  8 5       Browns    Browns        CLE      Cleveland Bro… #4C230E #4c230e http…
#>  9 6       Cowboys   Cowboys       DAL      Dallas Cowboys #002E4D #b0b7bc http…
#> 10 7       Broncos   Broncos       DEN      Denver Broncos #002E4D #fb4f14 http…
#> # … with 22 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​team_color,
#> #   ²​team_alt_color