Get NFL standings for a specific season from ESPN's API

get_nfl_standings(season = 2019, quiet = FALSE)



Either numeric or character


Returns a tibble


# Get standings from 2018 season
get_nfl_standings(season = "2018")
#> Returning 2018
#> # A tibble: 32 × 28
#>    conf  season team_id team_l…¹ team_…² team_…³ team_…⁴ team_…⁵ pts_d…⁶ g_beh…⁷
#>    <chr>  <int> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1 AFC     2018 24      Los Ang… Charge… LAC     Los An… https:… 99      0      
#>  2 AFC     2018 12      Kansas … Chiefs  KC      Kansas… https:… 144     0      
#>  3 AFC     2018 34      Houston  Texans  HOU     Housto… https:… 86      1      
#>  4 AFC     2018 17      New Eng… Patrio… NE      New En… https:… 111     1      
#>  5 AFC     2018 33      Baltimo… Ravens  BAL     Baltim… https:… 102     2      
#>  6 AFC     2018 11      Indiana… Colts   IND     Indian… https:… 89      2      
#>  7 AFC     2018 23      Pittsbu… Steele… PIT     Pittsb… https:… 68      2.5    
#>  8 AFC     2018 10      Tenness… Titans  TEN     Tennes… https:… 7       3      
#>  9 AFC     2018 5       Clevela… Browns  CLE     Clevel… https:… -33     4.5    
#> 10 AFC     2018 15      Miami    Dolphi… MIA     Miami … https:… -114    5      
#> # … with 22 more rows, 18 more variables: losses <chr>, seed <int>,
#> #   pts_against <dbl>, pts_for <dbl>, streak <dbl>, ties <dbl>, win_pct <dbl>,
#> #   wins <dbl>, div_ties <dbl>, record <chr>, home_wins <dbl>,
#> #   home_losses <dbl>, away_wins <dbl>, away_losses <dbl>, conf_wins <dbl>,
#> #   conf_losses <dbl>, div_wins <dbl>, div_losses <dbl>, and abbreviated
#> #   variable names ¹​team_location, ²​team_name, ³​team_abb, ⁴​team_full,
#> #   ⁵​team_logo, ⁶​pts_diff, ⁷​g_behind

# Get standings from 2010 season
#> Returning 2010
#> # A tibble: 32 × 28
#>    conf  season team_id team_l…¹ team_…² team_…³ team_…⁴ team_…⁵ pts_d…⁶ g_beh…⁷
#>    <chr>  <int> <chr>   <chr>    <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1 AFC     2010 17      New Eng… Patrio… NE      New En… https:… 205     0      
#>  2 AFC     2010 23      Pittsbu… Steele… PIT     Pittsb… https:… 143     2      
#>  3 AFC     2010 33      Baltimo… Ravens  BAL     Baltim… https:… 87      2      
#>  4 AFC     2010 20      New York Jets    NYJ     New Yo… https:… 63      3      
#>  5 AFC     2010 11      Indiana… Colts   IND     Indian… https:… 47      4      
#>  6 AFC     2010 12      Kansas … Chiefs  KC      Kansas… https:… 40      4      
#>  7 AFC     2010 24      San Die… Charge… SD      San Di… NA      119     5      
#>  8 AFC     2010 13      Oakland  Raiders OAK     Oaklan… NA      39      6      
#>  9 AFC     2010 30      Jackson… Jaguars JAX     Jackso… https:… -66     6      
#> 10 AFC     2010 15      Miami    Dolphi… MIA     Miami … https:… -60     7      
#> # … with 22 more rows, 18 more variables: losses <chr>, seed <int>,
#> #   pts_against <dbl>, pts_for <dbl>, streak <dbl>, ties <dbl>, win_pct <dbl>,
#> #   wins <dbl>, div_ties <dbl>, record <chr>, home_wins <dbl>,
#> #   home_losses <dbl>, away_wins <dbl>, away_losses <dbl>, conf_wins <dbl>,
#> #   conf_losses <dbl>, div_wins <dbl>, div_losses <dbl>, and abbreviated
#> #   variable names ¹​team_location, ²​team_name, ³​team_abb, ⁴​team_full,
#> #   ⁵​team_logo, ⁶​pts_diff, ⁷​g_behind