Get ESPN QBR for NFL football

get_nfl_qbr(season = 2020, week = NA, season_type = "Regular")



Either numeric or character


Either NA to return season or week 1 to 4 for playoffs or 1 to 17 for regular


Character - either "Regular" or "Playoffs"


Returns a tibble


# Get ALL Playoff QBR from 2016 season
get_nfl_qbr("2016", season_type = "Playoffs", week = NA)
#> Scraping QBR totals for 2016!
#> # A tibble: 16 × 23
#>    season season…¹ game_…² team_…³ playe…⁴ name_…⁵  rank qbr_t…⁶ pts_a…⁷ qb_pl…⁸
#>    <chr>  <chr>    <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 2016   Playoffs Season… ATL     11237   M. Ryan     1    90.5    19.4     117
#>  2 2016   Playoffs Season… GB      8439    A. Rod…     2    83.2    15.3     151
#>  3 2016   Playoffs Season… NE      2330    T. Bra…     3    75.8    11.9     161
#>  4 2016   Playoffs Season… DAL     2577417 D. Pre…     4    73.6     4.2      45
#>  5 2016   Playoffs Season… SEA     14881   R. Wil…     5    60.3     3.6      73
#>  6 2016   Playoffs Season… PIT     5536    B. Roe…     6    58.7     0       108
#>  7 2016   Playoffs Season… NYG     5526    E. Man…     7    46.9    -0.3      49
#>  8 2016   Playoffs Season… MIA     11128   M. Moo…     8    44.9    -2        45
#>  9 2016   Playoffs Season… DET     12483   M. Sta…     9    44.1    -1.1      42
#> 10 2016   Playoffs Season… HOU     14879   B. Osw…    10    40.6    -2.9      78
#> 11 2016   Playoffs Season… KC      8416    A. Smi…    11    31.4    -2.8      42
#> 12 2016   Playoffs Season… OAK     2576261 C. Cook    12     6.5   -11.1      51
#> 13 2016   Playoffs Season… GB      2577189 B. Hun…    NA    99.9     0.5       1
#> 14 2016   Playoffs Season… KC      16020   S. Ware    NA    98.8     0.3       1
#> 15 2016   Playoffs Season… ATL     14922   M. Sanu    NA    84.3     0.1       1
#> 16 2016   Playoffs Season… NE      12649   J. Ede…    NA     0      -0.6       1
#> # … with 13 more variables: epa_total <dbl>, pass <dbl>, run <dbl>,
#> #   exp_sack <dbl>, penalty <dbl>, qbr_raw <dbl>, sack <dbl>, name_first <chr>,
#> #   name_last <chr>, name_display <chr>, headshot_href <chr>, team <chr>,
#> #   qualified <lgl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​season_type, ²​game_week,
#> #   ³​team_abb, ⁴​player_id, ⁵​name_short, ⁶​qbr_total, ⁷​pts_added, ⁸​qb_plays

# Get Regular season QBR for week 4 of 2019
get_nfl_qbr("2019", season_type = "Regular", week = 4)
#> Scraping weekly QBR for week 4 of 2019!
#> # A tibble: 31 × 30
#>    season season…¹ game_id game_…² week_…³ team_…⁴ playe…⁵ name_…⁶  rank qbr_t…⁷
#>    <chr>  <chr>    <chr>     <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 2019   Regular  401128…       4 Week 4  TB      2969939 J. Win…   1      90.1
#>  2 2019   Regular  401127…       4 Week 4  PHI     2573079 C. Wen…   2      87  
#>  3 2019   Regular  401128…       4 Week 4  PIT     3116407 M. Rud…   3      82.6
#>  4 2019   Regular  401128…       4 Week 4  LAC     5529    P. Riv…   4      78.5
#>  5 2019   Regular  401128…       4 Week 4  CHI     12471   C. Dan…   5      78.2
#>  6 2019   Regular  401128…       4 Week 4  DAL     2577417 D. Pre…   6      78  
#>  7 2019   Regular  401128…       4 Week 4  DET     12483   M. Sta…   7      75.2
#>  8 2019   Regular  401128…       4 Week 4  DEN     11252   J. Fla…   8      73.8
#>  9 2019   Regular  401127…       4 Week 4  GB      8439    A. Rod…   9.5    70.9
#> 10 2019   Regular  401128…       4 Week 4  CLE     3052587 B. May…   9.5    70.9
#> # … with 21 more rows, 20 more variables: pts_added <dbl>, qb_plays <dbl>,
#> #   epa_total <dbl>, pass <dbl>, run <dbl>, exp_sack <dbl>, penalty <dbl>,
#> #   qbr_raw <dbl>, sack <dbl>, name_first <chr>, name_last <chr>,
#> #   name_display <chr>, headshot_href <chr>, team <chr>, opp_id <chr>,
#> #   opp_abb <chr>, opp_team <chr>, opp_name <chr>, week_num <int>,
#> #   qualified <lgl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​season_type, ²​game_week,
#> #   ³​week_text, ⁴​team_abb, ⁵​player_id, ⁶​name_short, ⁷​qbr_total