Get ELO ratings from FiveThirtyEight

get_538_elo(season = 2020, stat = "weekly_elo")



character or numeric, must be 2015 or greater


character, must be one of "games", "weekly_elo", "weekly_rating", "distance", "qb_adj_playoff", "qb_adj"


Returns a tibble


# Get elo for specific season and stat
get_538_elo(season = 2020, stat = "weekly_elo")
#> # A tibble: 704 × 31
#>    last_upd…¹  week confe…² curre…³ curre…⁴ curre…⁵ divis…⁶   elo losses make_…⁷
#>    <chr>      <int> <chr>     <int>   <int>   <int> <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 2021-02-0…    21 NFC           9       0       7 NFC No… 1489.      9       0
#>  2 2021-02-0…    21 AFC           6       0      10 AFC Ea… 1546.      6       0
#>  3 2021-02-0…    21 NFC          10       0       7 NFC Ea… 1442.      9       0
#>  4 2021-02-0…    21 NFC          12       0       4 NFC So… 1474.     12       0
#>  5 2021-02-0…    21 NFC          11       0       5 NFC No… 1333.     11       0
#>  6 2021-02-0…    21 AFC          11       1       4 AFC No… 1366.     11       0
#>  7 2021-02-0…    21 AFC          14       0       2 AFC Ea… 1320.     14       0
#>  8 2021-02-0…    21 AFC          11       0       5 AFC We… 1422.     11       0
#>  9 2021-02-0…    21 AFC           6       0      12 AFC No… 1656.      5       0
#> 10 2021-02-0…    21 NFC          10       0       6 NFC Ea… 1386.     10       0
#> # … with 694 more rows, 21 more variables: make_divisional_round <dbl>,
#> #   make_playoffs <dbl>, make_superbowl <dbl>, name <chr>, point_diff <dbl>,
#> #   points_allowed <dbl>, points_scored <dbl>, rating <dbl>,
#> #   rating_current <dbl>, rating_top <dbl>, seed_1 <dbl>, seed_2 <dbl>,
#> #   seed_3 <dbl>, seed_4 <dbl>, seed_5 <dbl>, seed_6 <dbl>, seed_7 <dbl>,
#> #   ties <dbl>, win_division <dbl>, win_superbowl <dbl>, wins <dbl>, and
#> #   abbreviated variable names ¹​last_updated, ²​conference, ³​current_losses, …