<- c(
pkg_list "tidyverse", "gt", "gtExtras", "reactable",
"ggiraph", "here", "quarto", "rmarkdown",
"gtsummary", "palmerpenguins", "fs", "skimr"
Getting Started with Quarto
Install latest version of RStudio,
or laterFor ALL hands-on materials, please clone https://github.com/jthomasmock/quarto-workshop.git via RStudio
Alternatively, you can use RStudio Cloud which has the workshop materials pre-installed: https://rstudio.cloud/content/4332583
Install these R packages:
Navigate to https://github.com/jthomasmock/quarto-workshop
Click on the green “Code” button and copy the url under the HTTPS tab https://github.com/jthomasmock/quarto-workshop.git
In RStudio, use File > New Project > Version Control > From Git > and then paste the URL into the source repo box and then click enter!
This workshop is designed for those who have no or little prior experience with Quarto. Quarto is the next generation of RMarkdown for publishing, including dynamic and static documents and multi-lingual programming language support. With Quarto you can create documents, books, presentations, blogs or other online resources.
Activity |
Intro to Quarto |
Authoring Quarto |
Tom Mock, PhD is the Customer Enablement Lead at RStudio, helping RStudio’s customers be as successful as possible. He is deeply involved in the global data science community, sharing tips on #RStats
Twitter (find him at @thomas_mock), as co-founder of #TidyTuesday
, a weekly Data Science learning challenge, and presenting on various Data Science topics on YouTube or at conferences.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.